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ToyMakerz Series 3

Factual Entertainment & Reality / 8 x 60' / HD, Airline, DVD, Non-Theatric

Lucky 13 Cinematic for History

ToyMakerz is driven by the life & motorized creations of David Ankin, The Toymaker – former stuntman and motorcycle racer turned vehicle designer extraordinaire. Ankin and his expert team of fabricators pride themselves on their one-of-a-kind, extreme builds, ranging from formula cars, to street-legal dragsters, to custom racing drones, to beastly trucks. Once these speciality vehicles are built, Ankin then pushes them to the max and beyond. Epic aerial cinematography, thrilling drive sequences, unique concept animation, celebrity guests and an engaging and extremely likeable cast combine to set ToyMakerz apart, pulling in a steadily growing fanbase of gearheads and more general viewers.